Set Your Business Up For Success

Set your business up for success this year

Posted: January 1, 2021 - By: Mike Dee - Posted In: Tips & Tricks

If you’re a business owner, one of the most important things to do is set your New Year goals. Without clear and measurable goals, it will be hard to measure how well or poorly your business is doing this year. To make sure that your business does well this year, start by identifying what you want for yourself and your company. Once you have identified all of these goals, write them down on paper so that you can refer back to them when necessary!

Now, let’s take a look at a few ways you can set your business up for success this year.

What do you want your business to achieve most this year?

Determine the goals you want to reach by the end of the year. Having clear and set goals you want to achieve will help you measure how well your business is doing throughout the year. If any goals will take more than a few months to reach, break them down into smaller steps, so they’re easier for yourself and others to follow!

Not sure what you want your goals to be? No problem! Here are a few examples:

  • I want to help my clients make XX more sales by making their websites rank higher in the search engines.
  • I want my business’s financial situation (or profit) to be XX by the end of the year.
  • Our budget for this year is XX, and I want our annual revenue to be XX.

Whatever your goals are, make sure they are measurable so you can track your progress.

Setting realistic goals

Setting high goals may feel like the smart option, but if you want you and your team to feel successful, make sure your goals are realistic. Setting unrealistic goals can make sales teams feel like a failure. The last thing we want to do is discourage the fantastic people supporting your dream.

If setting high goals is important for your business’s success, set realistic ones that are achievable so everyone on your team can be proud when they are reached!

So, what goals can you realistically achieve this year?

Do you have a clear path towards your goals?

Once you have your goals set, how will you achieve them? Collaborate with your team to discover avenues you can take to reach your goals. It’s the perfect time to gather feedback from everyone involved. Gathering input from your team will make them feel like they are a part of the business’s success.

Trimming the fat

Now that you’ve set your goals, find out if there is anything that’s draining your money. Could you spend it on something more effective like advertising or web design? Are you paying for ads without good copy?

The key to success is in the details. If you are not paying attention, it’s easy to overlook simple strategies that could make it easier to reach your goals. Moving your funds around could be a simple yet effective strategy to trim the fat and achieve your goals.

Do you have a clear brand mission?

Your team and customers should understand what your brand wants to achieve. Your mission should be clear and concise. It’s not enough to just have a goal; you need people on your team who are dedicated to achieving it too!

If you are not paying attention, it’s easy for your business goals and plans to go unnoticed! Make sure that all your goals have a place on your list so you, your team, and customers benefit from them.

“Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you’d have preferred to talk.”

– Doug Larson

Where are the weak points in your customers’ journey?

Finding the weak points in your customers’ journey relieves bottlenecks without much effort on your part. Solving these bottlenecks frees up the chance to grab new opportunities or sales.

Here are some common bottlenecks businesses experience:

  • Checkout – Is it easy for customers to purchase from you?
  • Lack of processes or documentation – Does your SAAS provide easy-to-digest documentation that prevents frustration from users? Do your potential customers understand the process they will go through if they contact you?
  • Sales page experience – Do your landing pages build trust with viewers? Do they explain your benefits and advantages over the competition? Do they make it easy for viewers to contact or buy from you?

Tip: Asking your customers for feedback during your sales process may be an excellent opportunity to find bottlenecks you have missed. If someone loves your brand, they will be more than happy to help you achieve your goals.

“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”

– Bill Gates

Create a Checklist for goal setting

Now you’re ready to build your list! Create a small checklist with yearly business goals. Get input from your team and clients. Print your checklist and place it somewhere it’s easy for everyone to find. Finally, review your checklist throughout the year to see how you’re doing.

If you have any questions about how to set your goals, please reach out! We’re here for all small businesses and want nothing more than your success this year!

Mike Dee

Mike Dee is the founder of Digital Focus. His goal is to help his customers achieve their vision for the future and make it a reality. He is often found tinkering with new technologies or hiking some mountain in North America.

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